Remotely Access Your Computers - LogMeIn Tutorial

image via whiteafrican
     One of the coolest way to sneak into my kids computer session is through remote access of the home computer while I'm at work in the office.  I can see what they're doing and they know I can see them. Yey!
image via runJMrun
     But other than that, being able to remotely access your computers can be very useful. Supposed you need to access a customized program in your office computer to address an operation crisis, and you're miles away on vacation? You can immediately attend to this saving time and energy with LogMeIn.
     LogMeIn is an application that allows you to remotely access your computers as long as they're online.  You can simply text or call your assistant and tell him to just turn on your computer. Access it from your location, do your stuff, and everybody's happy.
     You can even enjoy this for free.   

Now Is The Time for the FVAs (Filipino Virtual Assistants)

Image by Sweetkarson
     Work at home is becoming a reality for more and more Filipinos! 
     Who wouldn't want to skip the hours spent on commuting to work, which would normally be just for a few minutes if it wasn't for the TRAFFIC. Most spends an average of four hours a day to commute to/from work.
     Wouldn't it be great to spend that four hours at home with your kids? Seeing them off to school in the morning... and being there at the doorstep when they get back in the afternoon? Hear their stories of the day at school while sharing an afternoon "pika-pika" with ice cold lemonade... Nothing beats a child's hug who is so glad you're there.
     Now, more and more Filipinos are finding their ways leading to this lifestyle. 

     This is an FVAs (Filipino Virtual Assistants) community made possible by Jomar Hilario, a Filipino Internet Marketing  expert. If you want to be a part of this very supportive group, please check Jomar's Upcoming VA Seminars. He's the only mentor in the country for this - and it really works! 
     Don't be left behind. Check this out and have a chance to spend more time with your love ones: